The Isle of Wight Chamber Business Expo 2015


biz-expoOn the 23rd of September, Lakeside Hotel and Spa in Wooton will be hosting the Isle of Wight Chamber of Commerce Business Expo 2015.

The day is set to see many Isle of Wight Businesses in attendance, where they can exchange knowledge and build connections. As well as a fantastic networking opportunity, there will be presentations, seminars and a key note speaker.

This wonderful event is open to the public and entry is free!

We’ll be occupying stand number 28 – if you pop in then be sure to come and say hello!

Seminars have just been released and this is the line-up so far (click to register your interest):

Time Seminar host

Seminar Title

11.00am Dee Becker

Make a Great and Lasting Impression

12.00pm Travel Counsellors

How to Save Money off Travel

2.00pm To be confirmed

Sustainable Travel Plan

3.00pm To be confirmed

Quality in Business

4.00pm Chris Court

How to Make the Internet Work for Your Business

5.00pm Dale Howarth

How to Win Business Awards

 Exhibitors on the day include (click to expand):

TCBCTwitterBanner WightBuzzTwitterBanner WightFibreTwitterBanner TWeevilTwitterBanner StevePorterTransportTwitterBanner SolentLEPTwitterBanner SmartTwitterBanner RedFunnelTwitterBanner PCConsultantsTwitterBanner NemoNetTwitterBanner LucasFettesTwitterBanner LifelineTwitterBanner JamesTodd&CoTwitterBanner IWCollegeTwitterBanner IDMLTwitterBanner HTPTrainingTwitterBanner HoverTravelTwitterBanner GlanvillesTwitterBanner BarclaysTwitterBanner IslandBusinessTwitterBanner IWLotteryTwitterBanner

We have our own Isle of Wight Chamber Business Expo ’15 page that you can find more information on here or you can visit the IW Chamber here.

Will you be exhibiting on the 23rd? We’d love to hear from you, contact us via social media and we could develop some features together to make this the biggest Expo yet!

You can view the event pdf and download it here.