Sacré bleu! – Ben’s Imperial March 2

You may remember that back in 2016, Ben Allen and his support team, Simon Cherry and Matthew Mew, walked from the Isle of Wight to London to raise money for the Joe Ellis Trust. They set-out on their journey to raise £2500 but by the end of their incredible mission, they had raised almost £7000.
After a year’s break, Ben and his team are back – but this time with much grander plans! On the 28th of April they will set off on their second imperial march, this time all the way to Paris. Wightfibre were there to support Ben in 2016 and we’re backing him again, this time all the way to the Eiffel Tower. Ben will be raising money for Layla’s Trust and hopes to reach his target of £4000.
Ben will once again be completing the incredibly tough feat in his Stormtrooper armour, which last time attracted a lot of attention from the public and even a few celebrities along the way.
Ben has said:
“We are starting from Cowes, Isle of Wight, we’ll walk to Ryde, before crossing the Solent to Portsmouth where we will then board a cross channel ferry. Once in Le Havre we’ll walk along the Seine River to Paris. We will be walking approximately 230km over 7 days to reach the Eiffel Tower at 3pm on May 6th 2018.”
We’ll have more news from Ben for you soon, in the meantime you can donate and follow his training and preparation. Good luck Ben, May the Force Be With You!