Amazon has become a household name in recent years, offering quick delivery, easy returns and often the lowest prices around. We say often because they can tend to fluctuate a lot, which can be very frustrating! But now there is a website which enables you to wait for the best possible price – CamelCamelCamel. not only has an annoying name to type several times and a very basic layout on first glance, but the website is home to powerful tools that can save you some big money.
Firstly you cut and paste the Amazon URL for the item you would like to track into the site’s search bar. Doing this launches results that will let you view pricing history for the product and what the current price is compared to the all-time high and low.
You can even opt in to include new or used items sold by third parties in this data or stick to just Amazon itself. When CamelCamelCamel notices a fluctuation in your product’s listing, it will notify you by email.
Make sure you bookmark this site and let us know how you get on!