WightFibre Update on COVID-19

WightFibre Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Notification to Customers

Last updated: 11 January 2021

WightFibre is a local Island company and we pride ourselves on providing the Island with the best possible service – phone, broadband and tv. We know you depend on WightFibre to provide reliable, uninterrupted service.  In light of the recent developments around the Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease we want you to know we have measures in place to ensure service continuity.

We have arranged for our staff to work from home.  Our sales and customer service staff have access to all company systems from home and so, subject to sickness levels in the event staff becoming infected, we expect to continue to offer service as usual across our normal opening hours.

You can still contact us as per normal on 01983 24 24 24 or if you have any questions. Our Island based team is here to help, because we care.

Our crews continue to work on maintenance and repairs and on capacity improvements to ensure our phone and broadband service continues running smoothly at this difficult time. This includes

  • New service installations will continue upon customer request with a strict prioritisation for key workers who are working from home. Strict social distancing measures will be observed by our engineers otherwise the installation cannot proceed.  Only a basic installation will be provided to absolutely minimise time spent inside homes. Our crews are equipped with hand sanitiser, enough gloves for single use and disposal after each engineering visit and anti-microbial wipes to wipe any equipment they may use or touch during a visit.
  • Engineering visits to repair degraded or intermittent service

On this page you can read about the steps we’re taking to help keep our people and customers safe, and protect our network. We have also prepared a few frequently asked questions and answers. This is a fast-moving and unprecedented situation for all of us. Our promise is to stay transparent, look after the network that helps you connect to the people and things most important to you, and keep you updated as often as we can.

Stay safe and take care of each other.

The WightFibre Team

Keeping our customers safe

The health and wellbeing of our people and customers is our top priority, so we’re following government and medical advice to put safety first when installing or servicing our customers’ connections

  • We’re checking with our technicians to confirm they don’t have flu-like symptoms, aren’t self-isolating, and haven’t been to high-risk areas. If they answer yes, they won’t visit your home.
  • Before a scheduled technician visit, we’ll call customers to ask if anyone living at their property has been asked to self-isolate or has flu-like symptoms. If customers respond with “yes”, then the visit will be cancelled and rescheduled for a later day.
  • We’ve implemented strict hygiene and distancing measures with our engineers, including providing extra hand sanitiser gels and wipes, to help keep our people and customers safe while we provide product and service information and support.

Keeping our people safe

As well as following all official guidance, we’re regularly updating our employees with health and safety advice, while putting in place necessary working arrangements alongside travel and site restrictions. These measures include:

  • Adhering to current Government guidance on self-isolation.
  • Testing our Engineers weekly with our in-house COVID-19 lateral flow tests
  • Providing the flexibility and capability for most of our people to work remotely. For those unable to do this, we’ve put in place additional safety and hygiene measures, like social distancing.
  • Cancelling all non-critical business travel, both domestic and overseas.
  • Cancelling or postponing all employee events.

Keeping our network safe

We know how important our network is to everybody right now. We want to reassure you that we’re working as hard as we can to keep it in great shape.

Our network largely runs unattended during the normal course of business. Preventive maintenance is carried out routinely and faults are normally attended to quickly. 

As more people are working from home at the moment, it’s important to know our network can withstand any increased usage, including peaks throughout the day, in the evenings and at weekends. As usage rises, our existing capacity will be able to take it – and we’ll keep a close eye on things and make changes if we need to.

You may still see our staff and contractors working on our street cabinets and upgrading customer connections.  We do this only where necessary to keep our network running at full capacity and at all times we are compliant with government advice and guidance on COVID 19 and safe working.

Frequently asked questions

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