Google’s Santa Tracker 2019


It’s that time of year again and we always love visiting Google’s Santa Tracker to see what’s new! This website is a firm WightFibre family favourite and has been running throughout December offering lots of ways to entertain your little ones whilst they eagerly await the jolly fat man’s arrival!

The fun begins in Santa’s village, where there is a running countdown to his take-off on Sunday (Christmas Eve), as well as advent calendar style layout to explore.

After you have enjoyed the variety of games that Santa Tracer has to offer, the Google Santa Tracker will begin to track Santa at about midnight on Christmas Eve in the furthest east time zone. The map will show Santa alternating between traveling and handing out presents in cities.

Santa will travel approximately one time zone west per hour. Counters show viewers how far Santa has traveled, how long until he reaches the viewer’s city, the distance from the viewer’s city, and the total number of presents delivered. Visit Santa Tracker now to start your festivities!