East Cowes School Children Create an Aerial Sensation


robin-courage-iw-day-aerial-dorne-imageLast Friday (23rd September), over 800 children and teachers in East Cowes created a lasting image of the Isle of Wight, in the grounds of Osborne House. Darren Vaughan of Wight Drone captured a series of images of the human artwork. All four East Cowes Schools; Holy Cross and Queensgate primary school, The Studio School and the Priory School came together to create the aerial spectacle.

In attendance was the High Sheriff, Robin Courage who was astounded by the efforts the 800 East Cowes school children who have created a lasting reminder of the inaugural Isle of Wight Day:

Six months ago I came up with the idea of having an Isle of Wight Day. The whole reason is because I wanted everyone, on one day of the year, on this beautiful Island we all live on, to come together. Nobody has done it better or more perfectly than the children of East Cowes.” – Robin V Corage MBE, High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight

iow-days-island by east cowes school children

Photo credit (High Sheriff): Isle of Wight Radio