A Quarter of UK consumer broadband connections are classed as ‘superfast’!
The latest research from UK regulator Ofcom, shows that 1 in 4 UK residential fixed broadband
connections is now classed as ‘superfast’.
The proportion of superfast connections (30 Mbps+) has increased from 5 percent in November
2011 to 25 percent in November 2013. The average superfast connection speed has jumped 47
percent or 15.1 Mbps from May 2010 to reach 47 Mbps in November 2013. The research shows
that the average urban download speed of 31.9 Mbps in November 201 is up 21 percent from
May 2013. The average speed in rural areas has risen from 9.9 Mbps in May 2013 to 11.3 Mbps
in November 2013.
The research also examined upload speeds and shows that fibre connections with headline
download speeds of ‘up to’ 76 Mbps delivered the fastest upload speeds at 17.4 Mbps on
Just how much faster has your broadband got over the last few years? Let us know!